Agricultural Development and Rural Transformation Centre
Projects Completed (1995-2020)
Sl. No | Title of the Project | Project Director/s | Year of Completion |
Ministry Projects | |||
1. | Price Volatility and major issues in demand and Supply Management of Onion in India | PI : Dr. A V Manjunatha Co- PI : Dr. I Maruthi, Dr. Khalil Musa Shaha | 2019 |
2. | I. Maruthi | 2019 | |
3. | I. Maruthi | 2019 | |
4. | I. Maruthi | 2019 | |
5. | A.V. Manjunatha | 2017 | |
6. | A.V. Manjunatha | 2017 | |
7. | A.V. Manjunatha | 2017 | |
8. | K. B. Ramappa | 2017 | |
9. | A.V. Manjunatha | 2017 | |
10. | K. B. Ramappa | 2017 | |
11. | I. Maruthi | 2016 | |
12. | Parmod Kumar | 2016 | |
13. | A.V. Manjunatha | 2015 | |
14. | K. B. Ramappa, Elumalai Kannan & Lavanya B.T. | 2015 | |
15. | A.V. Manjunatha and Parmod Kumar | 2015 | |
16. | Komol Singha, Parmod Kumar and Kedar Vishnu | 2014 | |
17. | Elumalai Kannan | 2014 | |
18. | Komol Singha | 2014 | |
19. | M J Bhende | 2013 | |
20. | Elumalai Kannan, Parmod Kumar, Kedar Vishnu and Hanna Abraham | 2013 | |
21. | Parmod Kumar | 2013 | |
22. | Parmod Kumar, Elumalai Kannan, Rohi Chaudhary and Kedar Vishnu | 2013 | |
23. | Parmod Kumar | 2013 | |
24. | Komol Singha | 2013 | |
25. | Komol Singha | 2012 | |
26. | Elumalai Kannan | 2012 | |
27. | Parmod Kumar | 2012 | |
28. | M J Bhende | 2012 | |
29. | Elumalai Kannan | 2011 | |
30. | Parmod Kumar and | 2011 | |
31. | G B Lokesh | 2011 | |
32. | Komol Singha | 2011 | |
33. | M J Bhende and P Thippaiah | 2011 | |
34. | Elumalai Kannan | 2010 | |
35. | Bhende M.J. & P. Thippaiah | 2009 | |
36. | Deshpande R.S. Rajeshwari U R | 2008 | |
37. | Mahadeva M | 2008 | |
38. | Deshpande R.S. I Maruthi Khalil Shah Rajendra B Desai & N.T. Neelakanta | 2007 | |
39. | Deshpande R.S. Neelakanta N.T & Naveen Hegde | 2006 | |
40. | Erappa S | 2006 | |
41. | Deshpande R.S. M. J. Bhende, P. Thippaiah & S. Manasi | 2005 | |
42. | Deshpande R.S. Prachitha J. | 2005 | |
43. | Thippaiah P | 2005 | |
44. | Deshpande R.S. | 2004 | |
45. | Mahadeva M | 2004 | |
46. | Deshpande R.S. & J. Prachitha | 2004 | |
47. | Bhende M.J., R. S. Deshpande, & P. Thippaiah | 2004 | |
48. | Gopalappa D.V. | 2004 | |
49. | Deshpande R.S., M.J. Bhende, & S Erappa | 2003 | |
50. | Deshpande R.S. | 2003 | |
51. | Deshpande R.S. T. Raveendra Naika | 2002 | |
52. | Deshpande R.S. & K.J. Parameshwarappa | 2002 |
Other Projects | |||
1. | Status of Central Sector Scheme of Gramin Bhandaran Yojana/ Rural Godown Scheme: A Case Study Approach, Sponsored by: Ch. Charan Singh National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (CCS, NIAM) | Dr. Ramappa K B | 2019 |
2. | Outlook on Agriculture, Sponsored by: NCAER | Prof. Parmod Kumar | 2019 |
3. | Evaluation of Global Food Chains concerning Sustainability: Development of a Methodology and Case Studies of Indian Products with Swiss Target Market , Sponsored by: ICSSR | PI : Prof. Parmod Kumar Co-PI: Dr. A.V. Manjunatha Dr. Mohin Shariff , (UAS-B) | 2019 |
4. | I.Maruthi | 2019 | |
5. | I.Maruthi | 2019 | |
6. | Value Chain Analysis of Tomato Marketing Systems in Karnataka | Value Chain Analysis of Tomato Marketing Systems in Karnataka | 2016 |
7. | A.V. Manjunatha | 2016 | |
8. | P.G.Chengappa, A.V. Manjunatha Vikas Dimble, Khalil Shah | 2012 | |
9. | Policy and Institutional Options for Inclusive Growth | R. S, Deshpande and Elumalai Kannan | 2012 |
10. | Concurrent Evaluation of Farm Mechanisation in Karnataka | Dr P Thippaiah | 2012 |
11. | Agrarian Change and Farm Sector Distress: An Exploratory Study | Elumalai Kannan and R S Deshpande | 2012 |
12. | Review of Developmental Programmes and Schemes and Implementation Mechanisms of Department of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries – Karnataka | G B Lokesh | 2011 |
13. | Comprehensive District Development Plan (CDDP): Bidar and Bagalkot Districts | S. Erappa | 2011 |
14. | Review of Developmental Programmes and Schemes of the Department of Co-operation and Agricultural Marketing | Elumalai Kannan | 2011 |
15. | Comprehensive District Development Plan (CDDP) 4 District Plans (Tumkur, Dakshina Kannada, Mandya and Kodagu Districts) | M J Bhende and M Devendra Babu | 2011 |
16. | R S Deshpande and others | 2010 | |
17. | Comprehensive District Agricultural Plan (C-DAP) (Karnataka State) 29 District Plans and State Plan (Funded by the Government of Karnataka) | R S Deshpande | 2010 |
18. | M Mahadeva | 2010 | |
19. | Evaluation of Housing Schemes Implemented by Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation (RGRHC) Funded by RGRHC | M Mahadeva | 2010 |
20. | Study of Tanks in Watershed Development Area in Karnataka | P Thippaiah | 2010 |
21. | Sustainable Agriculture Development Through Organic Farming In Karnataka | S Erappa | 2009 |
22. | State Budgetary Resources and Agricultural Development In Karnataka | G B Lokesh | 2009 |
23. | Cultivation of Medicinal Crops and Aromatic Crops as a Means of Diversification in Agriculture – A Study Across States (Consolidated Report) | R.S.Deshpande | 2008 |
24. | Micro Initiatives for Macro Policy (Funded by IOWA State University) | R.S. Deshpande | 2008 |
25. | Market Imperfection and Farmers’ Distress | R.S.Deshpande | 2008 |
26. | Rating Assessment of Water User Associations in Kurnool-Cuddapah Canal Modernisation Project | R.S.Deshpande | 2008 |
27. | India’s Agricultural Trade in Post-Liberalization Period: A Review of Some Issues (SRTT Project) | Dr. Dhanmanjiri Sathe | 2008 |
28. | Study for Estimation of Seed, Feed and Waste Ratios for Major Food grains | R.S.Deshpande | 2007 |
29. | Micro Initiatives for Macro Policy | R.S.Deshpande | 2007 |
30. | Rural Infrastructure Development: Role of Rural Infrastructure Development Fund | Meenakshi Rajeev (CESP) | 2006 |
31. | M.J. Bhende | 2006 | |
32. | Agriculture Policy in India: A Policy Matrix in a Federal System | R.S. Deshpande | 2006 |
33. | R.S.Deshpande | 2005 | |
34. | Changes in Work Participation of Weaker Sections in Karnataka: A Study of Last Three Districts | I Maruthi | 2005 |
35. | Employment in Non-Farm Sector in Karnataka | D V Gopalappa | 2004 |
36. | M J Bhende | 2003 | |
37. | L Venkatachalam | 2003 | |
38. | Foodgrains Production: Towards an Explanation of Extremes | K V Raju | 2003 |
39. | R S Deshpande | 2003 | |
40. | Poverty Alleviation Strategies of NGOs (GTZ/SHF funded) | D Rajasekhar | 2003 |
41. | Evaluation of Post Harvest Losses in Selected Vegetables & Fruits in Selected Areas – Tomato in Karnataka | S Erappa | 2003 |
42. | Micro Finance, Poverty Alleviation and Empowerment of Women: A Study of Two NGOs from Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka | D Rajasekhar | 2002 |
43. | Evaluation of Oilseed Production Programme (OPP) in Karnataka | R S Deshpande | 2002 |
44. | People’s Perception of Rural Development Programmes in Karnataka | I Maruthi | 2002 |
45. | Subsidies in Karnataka | R S Deshpande | 2002 |
46. | Flow of Credit to Small and Marginal Farmers: A Case Study of Karnataka | M J Bhende | 2002 |
47. | An Analysis of Crop Insurance Scheme in Karnataka | M J Bhende | 2002 |
48. | Causes and Remedies for Farmers’ Distress in Karnataka | R S Deshpande | 2002 |
49. | Concurrent Evaluation of Hirehalla Watershed Project | K V Raju | 2002 |
50. | Assessing the Existing Training and Testing Facilities for Farm Machinery in Karnataka | K V Raju | 2002 |
51. | Evaluation of Employment Assurance Schemes (EAS): Case Study of Two Districts in Karnataka | S Erappa | 2001 |
52. | Policy for Agricultural Growth and Poverty Reduction | R S Deshpande | 2001 |
53. | Evaluation of Soft Loan Schemes for the Development of Post-Harvest Infrastructure for Horticultural Produce in Karnataka | P Thippaiah | 2001 |
54. | Evaluation of Bhagyajyoti/Kutirjyothi Schemes in Karnataka | M Vivekananda | 2001 |
55. | Social Policies and Legislation in India: From Independence to Structural Adjustment | M Mahadeva | 2000 |
56. | Impact of National Watershed Development Programme for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA): Case Study of Raichur District | S. Erappa | 2000 |
57. | Resource Use Efficiency for Major Crops in Karnataka | M.J. Bhende | 2000 |
58. | Karnataka Development Report: Agricultural Sector | R.S.Deshpande | 2000 |
59. | Prospects for Coarse Cereals in Drought-Prone Regions: An Exploratory Study in Karnataka | V.M. Rao | 2000 |
60. | The Impact of Removal of Quantitative Restrictions on Import of Agricultural Commodities | R.S. Deshpande | 2000 |
61. | The Reforms of Subsidy Regime in Respect of all Agricultural Implements and Machinery Including Drip and Spring Irrigation | P. Thippaiah | 1999 |
62. | From Tops Down to Bottom Up: Institutional Reforms in Indian Surface Irrigation: A Case Study of Karnataka | K.V. Raju | 1998 |
63. | Rural Non-Farm Activities in Karnataka | D. Rajasekhar | 1998 |
64. | Foodgrain Economy of Karnataka | M.J. Bhende | 1998 |
65. | Sustainability of Watershed Development Programmes (WDPs) to Dryland Agriculture in Karnataka: A Study of Two Micro Watersheds | S. Erappa | 1997 |
66. | Institutionalisation of Agro-Climatic Regional Planning Exercise for Karnataka | H.G. Hanumappa | 1997 |
67. | Analysis of the Trends in Operational Landholdings in Karnataka (1970-71 to 1991-92) | D. Rajasekhar | 1997 |
68. | Study of Causes for the Shrinkage of Tank-Irrigated Area in Karnataka | P. Thippaiah | 1997 |
69. | Problems and Prospects of Agricultural Development in Karnataka | M. Vivekananda | 1997 |
70. | Rural Development Strategies of Non-Governmental Developmental Organisation (NGDOs) | D. Rajasekhar | 1996 |
71. | Export Potential of Horticultural Crops of Karnataka | V.S. Satyapriya | 1996 |
72. | Farming Systems Approach in the Context of ACRP in Karnataka | M.J. Bhende | 1996 |
73. | Agro-Climatic Regional Planning for Karnataka: A Sub Regional Analysis | M.J. Bhende | 1995 |
74. | Rural Non-Farm Employment in Karnataka: A Disaggregated Analysis at District Level | D. Rajasekhar | 1995 |