Prof. N Nagaraj currently an ICSSR National Fellow affiliated at ISEC, worked at ICRISAT since April 2011 as Principal Economist till 2015. Prior to this, he was Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Economics at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India. His scholarship has wide appreciation as evidenced from his many coveted professional honors and awards viz.,(i) Jawaharlal Nehru best PhD thesis award (ii) Fulbright Fellow at University of Colorado (iii) French post-doctoral Fellow (iv) Visiting Fellow of Kyoto University, (iv) winner of D. K. Desai award for best research paper from the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, v) conferred Environmental Economic Research Overseas Fellowship under the World Bank aided India Capacity Building for the year 2000-As Visiting Professor at the University of Arizona vi) certificate of Merit awards conferred by University of Agricultural Sciences for generating extramural grants (vii) Fellow of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (2014), viii) ICRISAT honored outstanding Partnership Award, Dec 2014 in recognition of outstanding contribution in enhancing livelihoods of smallholder dryland farmers in South Asia. As Flagship leader in CRP Dry land cereals, provided leadership, vision and direction and analytical support in targeting technologies, tracking adoption and impact assessment and policy analysis. Besides, he was involved in Village Dynamics in South Asia (VDSA) to track critical changes and transformation in the SAT rural household and village economies and issues relating to impact assessment of horti-cum- agricultural farming systems on poverty alleviation. He has led Water Energy Nexus in South Asia Semi-Arid Resource Poor Economies sponsored by IFPRI. He has handled pioneering international research projects with sponsorship from USAID, IFPRI, World Bank, ICAR at the University. He had successfully implemented sustainable cost effective agricultural technologies generated by UAS in selected villages of Karnataka from 2004-2007 to address the key challenges in livelihood security, water management, sustainable systems, value addition and market linkage. He has about three and half decades experience in the area of research, teaching and outreach. He had international work experience at University of Colorado, Fort Collins, University of Arizona, Tucson, INRA, France, Centre for South East Asian Studies, Japan and ICRISAT. Prof Nagaraj, guided 35 PG students that include Masters and PhD. He has publications more than (80) in a wide range of Journals of acclaim viz., Agricultural systems, Economic and Political Weekly, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economic, Agricultural Economics Research Review and others. In addition, he has published more than 50 research and outreach reports, policy briefs and working papers. His area of specialization include resource and production economics, monitoring evaluation and impact assessment of improved technologies/ practices/intuitional aspects of land, water, watershed, externalities, farming systems, contract farming, livelihood security, markets and policies.