Library & Documentation
Journals List
Sl. No. | Name of the Journal | Frequency | Publisher |
1. | Administrative Change | BA | Administrative Change, Jaipur |
2. | Administrator | BA | New Age |
3. | Adult Education | Q | AAACE |
4. | Agrarian south | 3 | Sage |
5. | Agricultural Economics Research Review | BA | AERA |
6. | Agricultural Marketing | Q | Govt.of India |
7. | Agricultural Situation in India | Q | Govt.of India |
8. | Alternatives | Q | Sage |
9. | AMBIO | 8 Issues | Royal Swedish Academy of Sc. |
10. | American Anthropologist | Q | American Anthrl. Association |
11. | American Economic Review | M | American Eco.Association |
12. | American Economic Journal – Microeconomics | Q | American Eco.Association |
13. | American Economic Journal- Applied Economics | Q | American Eco.Association |
14. | American Economic Journal- Economic Policy | Q | American Eco.Association |
15. | American Economic Journal- Macroeconomics | Q | American Eco.Association |
16. | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | 5 Issues | Blackwell |
17. | American Journal of Sociology | BM | University of Chicago Press |
18. | American Political Science Review | Q | American Pol-Sc. Assoc |
19. | American Sociological Review | BM | University of Chicago Press |
20. | Annals of Arid Zone | Q | AZRA, Jodhpur |
21. | Annals of Library And Information studies | Q | NISCAIR |
22. | Annual Review of Anthropology | A | Annual Review Inc. |
23. | Annual Review of Political Science | A | Annual Review Inc |
24. | Annual Review of Sociology | A | Annual Review Inc. |
25. | Anubhav Series | VHAI | |
26. | Anvesak | 3 issues | SPIESR |
27. | Applied Eco. Perspective & Policy | Q | Oxford University Press |
28. | Artha Suchi | Q | NCAER |
29. | Artha Vijnana | Q | GIPE |
30. | Artha Vikas | BM | Sardar Patel University |
31. | Asia Pacific Population Journal | BA | United Nation |
32. | Asian Economic Review | 5 Issues | IIE, Hyderabad |
33. | Asian Survey | BM | University of Chicago Press |
34. | Australian Economic Papers | Q | Blackwell |
35. | Australian Journal of Agriculture & Resource Econo. | Q | Blackwell |
36. | Bhagirath | BM | CWC, New Delhi |
37. | Book Review | M | Book Review Trust |
38. | British Journal of Educational Studies | Q | Blackwell |
39. | British Journal of Sociology | Q | Routledge |
40. | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity | BA | Brookings Institution |
41. | Bulletin of The World Health Organization | M | WHO |
42. | Business Perspectives | M | BIMT |
43. | Cambridge Journal of Economics | BM | Oxford University Press |
44. | Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics | Q | Canadian Agri. Eco. & Farm Mangt.Society |
45. | Canadian Journal of Economics | Q | University of Toronto Press |
46. | Canadian Tax Journal | BM | Canadian Tax Foundation |
47. | Cepal Review | 3 Issues | U N |
48. | China Report | Q | Sage |
49. | Commonwealth and Comparative Politics | Q | Routledge |
50. | Comparative Education | Q | Carfax |
51. | Comparative Educational Review | Q | University of Chicago Press |
52. | Comparative Politics | Q | Sage |
53. | Comparative Sociology | BM | American Socgl. Assn. |
54. | Contemporary Sociology | BM | American Socgl. Assn. |
55. | Contributions to Indian Sociology | 3 Issues | Sage |
56. | Current Anthropology | BM | University of Chicago Press |
57. | Current Science | FN | Indian Academy of Science |
58. | Current Sociology | 7 Issues | Sage |
59. | Demography | BM | Population Assn.of America |
60. | Demography India | BA | Hindustan Publishing Corp. |
61. | Developing Economies | BA | Maruzen |
62. | Development and Change | BM | Blackwell |
63. | Development Dialogue | Q | Dag |
64. | Documentation in Public Administration | Q | IIPA, New Delhi |
65 | Down to Earth | 24 Issues | Down to Earth, New Delhi |
66. | Eastern Anthropologist | Q | SERIALS |
67. | Ecological Economics | M | Elsevier |
68. | Econometrica | BM | Blackwell |
69. | Econometrics Journal | 3 Issues | Wiley Blackwell |
70. | Economic and Political Weekly | W | EPW Res.Fnd |
71. | Economic Development and Cultural Change | Q | University of Chicago Press |
72. | Economic Geography | Q | Clark University |
73. | Economic Journal | 8 Issues | Blackwell |
74. | Economic Journal of Nepal | BM | Tribhuvan Univ |
75. | Economic Record | Q | Blackwell |
76. | Economica | Q | Blackwell |
77. | Economics Letters | M | Elsevier |
78. | Economist | W | Economist, London |
79. | Environment | BM | T & F |
80. | Environment and Development Economics | BM | Cambridge Univ. Press |
81. | Environment and Resource Economics | M | Springer |
82. | European Journal Of Sociology | 3 Issues | Chicago Univ. Press |
83. | Food Policy | BM | Elsevier |
84. | Foreign Trade Review | Q | Indian Instt. of Foreign Trade |
85. | Frontline | FN | HPG |
86. | Gandhimarg | Q | Gandhi Peace Foundation |
87. | Gender, Technology & Development | 3 Issues | Sage |
88. | GITAM journal of Management | Q | Gitam University |
89. | Guide to Indian Periodical Literature | Q | Indian Docmtn. Service |
90. | Harvard Educational Review | Q | Harvard Univ. |
91. | Health & Population | Q | NIHFW |
92. | Health Policy and Planning | 8 Issues | Oxford Univ. Press |
93. | Hindu Survey of Environment | A | Hindu |
94. | Hindu Survey of Indian Agriculture | A | Hindu |
95. | Hindu Survey of Indian Industry | A | Hindu |
96. | Human Organization | Q | Soct. for Appd. Anthropology |
97. | IASSI Quarterly | Q | ICSSR |
98. | ICSSR Newsletter | 5 Issues | ICSSR |
99. | IDS Bulletin | BM | IDS, U K |
100. | IMF Economic Review | Q | IMF |
101. | India Review | Q | Routledge |
102. | India Today | W | India Today |
103. | Indian Agriculturist | Q | Agricultural Society of India |
104. | Indian Economic and Social History Review | Q | Sage |
105. | Indian Economic Journal | Q | Indian Eco. Assn. Bombay |
106. | Indian Economic Review | BA | Delhi School of Economics |
107. | Indian Farming | M | ICAR |
108. | Indian Forester | M | Indian Forester, Dehradun |
109. | Indian Historical Review | BA | Sage |
110. | Indian Infrastructure | Q | Indian Infrastructure |
111. | Indian Journal of Adult Education | Q | IAEA |
112. | Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics | Q | ISAE |
113. | Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing | 3 Issues | Indian Society of Agril.Markt. |
114. | Indian Journal of Economics | Q | University of Allahabad |
115. | Indian Journal of Gender Studies | 3 Issues | Sage |
116. | Indian Journal of Human Development | BA | Instt. for Human Devpt New Delhi. |
117. | Indian Journal of Industrial Relations | Q | Shri RamCentre for Industrial Relation. |
118. | Indian Journal of Labour Economics | Q | Instt. of Applied Manp. Res. |
119. | Indian Journal of Marketing | M | Associated Management Consultants Private Limited |
120. | Indian Journal of Political Science | Q | Indian Pol- Sc. Association |
121. | Indian Journal of Public Administration | Q | IIPA, Bombay |
122. | Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics | BA | Guru Nanak Dev University |
123. | Indian Journal of Regional Science | BA | Regional Sc.Assn. India |
124. | Indian Journal of Sericulture | BA | Centl.Seri. Res. & Trai.Institute |
125. | Indian Journal of Social Work | Q | Tata Institute of Social Science |
126. | Indian Journal of Transport Management | BA | CIRT |
127. | Indian Labour Journal | M | Government of India |
128. | Indian Management | Q | AIMA |
129. | Indian Silk | M | Central Silk Board |
130. | Industrial Economist | M | Economist Commun. Ltd. |
131. | International Development Planning Review | Q | Liverpool Univ. Press |
132. | International Journal of Climate Change, Strategies and Management | Q | Emerald |
133. | International Journal of Educational Development | BM | Pergamon |
134. | International Labour Review | BM | Inter. Labour Office Geneva |
135. | International Migration | BM | Blackwell |
136. | International Political Science Review | 5 Issues | Sage |
137. | International Review of Administrative Sciences | Q | Sage |
138. | International Review of Education | BM | Kluwer |
139. | International Social Science Journal | 3 Issues | Blackwell |
140. | International Social Work | BM | Sage |
141. | International Sociology | BM | Sage |
142. | ISEC News | Q | ISEC |
143. | Jorunal of the Indian society of agricultural statics | 3 Issues | Indian society of agri.stat |
144. | Journal of Agricultural economics | 3 Issues | Agricultural Eco. Society, |
145. | Journal of Applied Statistics | M | Carfax |
146. | Journal of Asian Studies | Q | Association for Asian Studies |
147. | Journal of Developing Areas | BA | Frankcass |
148. | Journal of Development and Social Change | Q | Dr.Shweta S Odeyar |
149. | Journal of Development Economics | BM | Elsevier |
150. | Journal of Development Management and Communication | Q | Institute of Development Management |
151. | Journal of Development Studies | M | Frankcass |
152. | Journal of Economic Literature | Q | American Eco. Association |
153. | Journal of Economic Perspectives | Q | American Eco. Association |
154. | Journal of Education | 3 Issues | Boston University |
155. | Journal of Educational Planning & Administration | Q | NUEPA |
156. | Journal of Environmental Economics & Management | BM | Academic |
157. | Journal of Family Welfare | BA | Family Plann. Assn.of India |
158. | Journal of Farm Management | Q | Univ. of Reading |
159. | Journal of Governance and Public Policy | Q | Institute of Public Enterprises |
160. | Journal of Health Management | Q | Sage |
161. | Journal of Human Resources | Q | Univ.of W. Press |
162. | Journal of Income and Wealth | BA | Indn. Assn. for Nat. Income and Wealth |
163. | Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical research | Q | ICPR |
164. | Journal of Indian School of Political Economy | Q | Indian School of Pol Economy |
165. | Journal of Infrastructure Development | BA | Sage publication |
166. | Journal of Institute of Pub. Enterprises | Q | Institute of pub. Enterprises |
167. | Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics | Q | Sage |
168. | Journal of International Economics | BM | Elsevier |
169. | Journal of International Economics Studies | A | Hosei Univ. |
170. | Journal of Law & Economics | Q | Univ.ofChicago Press |
171. | Journal of Monetary Economics | 8 Issues | Elsevier |
172. | Journal of Parliamentary Information | Q | CBS Publishers & Distributors |
173. | Journal of Peasant Studies | BM | Frankcass |
174. | Journal of Political Economy | BM | University of Chicago Press |
175. | Journal of Post Keynesian Economics | Q | M E Sharpe |
176. | Journal of Quantitative Economics | BA | Delhi School of Economics |
177. | Journal of Rural Development | Q | NIRD |
178. | Journal of Services Research | BA | IIMT |
179. | Journal of Social and Economic Development | BA | ISEC Bangalore |
180. | Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society | 3 Issues | Indian Anthropological Society |
181. | Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute | Q | Blackwell |
182. | Karnataka Rajyapatra | W | Karnataka Govt. |
183. | Kyklos | Q | Blackwell |
184. | Land Bank Journal | Q | Nat.Coop. Agri. & Rural Devpt. Banks Fed. |
185. | Land Economics | Q | University of Wisconsin Press |
186. | Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences | BA | MPISSR |
187. | Mainstream | W | Mainstream, New Delhi |
188. | Man and Development | Q | CRRID |
189. | Man and Society | BA | ICSSR |
190. | Man in India | Q | Serials Publications |
191. | Management and Change | BA | Journal of the IILM |
192. | Manchester School | BM | Blackwell |
193. | Manpower Journal | Q | Inst.of Applied Manp.Research |
194. | Marg | Q | Shapoorji Pallonji&Co.Ltd |
195. | Margin | Q | Sage |
196. | Modern Asian studies | BM | Cambridge University Press |
197. | Monthly Review | M | Govt. of India |
198. | Nagarlok | Q | IIPA |
199. | National Geographic | M | Nat. Geographic Society |
200. | National Geographic journal of India | Q | Nat. Geographic Society |
201. | National Tax Journal | Q | National Tax Association |
202. | Natural Resources Journal | BA | University of New Mexico |
203. | Non-profit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly | BM | Sage |
204. | One India One People | M | One Indian Fou |
205. | Outlook | W | Outlook Pub |
206. | Oxford Development Studies | Q | Carfax |
207. | Oxford Economic Papers | Q | Oxford Univ. Press |
208. | Pacific Affairs | Q | University of British Columbia |
209. | Pakistan Development Review | Q | Pakistan Instt. of Devpt. Econ. |
210. | PARADIGM | BA | IMT |
211. | PC Quest | M | PC Quest |
212. | Perspectives on Politics | Q | APSA |
213. | Perspectives on Sexual & Reproductive Health | Q | ABU Guttamacher Institute |
214. | Planters’ Chronicle | M | UPAS .of South India |
215. | Political Economy Journal of India | Q | CDS, Chandigarh |
216. | Politics and Society | Q | Sage |
217. | Population & Development Review | Q | Population Council, USA |
218. | Population Studies | 3 Issues | London School of Eco. & |
219. | Power Line | M | Indian Infrastr. |
220 | Prajnan | Q | NIBM |
221. | Prashasnika | BA | HCM State Instt. of Mangt. & Res. |
222. | Prestige Journal of Management & Research | BA | Prestige Instt. of Mangt.& Res. |
223. | Productivity | Q | MD Publications Pvt Ltd |
224. | Prospects | Q | UNESCO |
225. | PS news Journal | Q | American Pol-Sc Association |
226. | Psychology & Developing Societies | BA | Sage |
227. | Public Administration & Development | 5 Issues | John Wiley & Sons |
228. | Public Administration Review | BM | Amercn. Society for Pub.Admn. |
229. | Public Choice | 16 Issues | Kluwer |
230. | Public Finance | Q | Public Finance, Germany |
231. | Public Finance Review | BM | Sage |
232. | Publius | Q | OUP |
233. | Quarterly Economic Report Of IIPO | Q | IIPO |
234. | Quarterly Journal of Economics | Q | MIT Press |
235. | Quarterly Journal of Mythic Society | Q | Mythic Socty.of India |
236. | RBI bulletin | M | RBI |
237. | RBI Staff Occasional Papers | Q | RBI |
238. | Readers Digest | M | RDA |
239. | Regional Development Dialogue | BA | UNCFRD |
240. | Reproductive Health Matters | BA | RHM |
241. | Review of Agrarian Studies | BA | Foundation of Agrarian Studies |
242. | Review of Development & Change | BA | MIDS |
243. | Review of Economic Studies | Q | Blackwell |
244. | Review of Economics & Statistics | Q | MIT Press |
245. | Review of Educational Research | Q | AERA |
246. | Review of Income & Wealth | Q | Blackwell |
247. | Review of Social Economy | Q | Routledge |
248. | Rural Sociology | Q | Rural Sociology Society, USA |
249. | Sanctuary | BM | Sanctuary, Bombay |
250. | Sankhya | Q | Springer |
251. | Sarvekshana | BA | Min Statistics |
252. | SEBI Bulletin | M | SEBI |
253. | Sedme | Q | NISIET |
254. | Seminar | M | Seminar |
255. | Signs | Q | University of Chicago Press |
256. | Singapore Economic Review | Q | National Univ. of Singapore |
257. | Social and Economic Studies | Q | University of West Indies |
258. | Social Change | Q | Sage |
259. | Social Change and Development | BA | OKD Institute of social change |
260. | Social Research | Q | New School of Social Res., USA |
261. | Social Scientist | M | Social Scientist |
262. | Social Welfare | M | CSWB, New Delhi |
263. | Sociological Bulletin | 3 Issues | Indian Sociolgcl. Society |
264. | Sociological Review | Q | Blackwell |
265. | South Aisa | Q | South Asian Studies Assn. |
266. | Southern Economist | FN | Southern Econ. Pvt. Ltd. |
267. | SPAN | BM | American center |
268. | SRELS Journal of Information Management | BM | IIS, Bangalore |
269. | Structural Change And Economic Dynamics | Q | Elsevier |
270. | Studies in Family Planning | Q | Population Council |
271. | Studies in History | BA | Sage |
272. | Studies in Indian politics | 2 | Sage |
273. | Teachers College Record | M | Blackwell |
274. | Technology & Culture | Q | John Hopkins |
275. | Think India Quarterly | Q | Vichar Nyas |
276. | Time | W | TIME |
277. | Transnational Corporations | 3 Issues | UN |
278. | University News | W | AIU |
279. | Urban Affairs Review | BM | Sage |
280. | Urban India | BA | NIUA |
281. | Urban studies | 16 Issues | Sage |
282. | Vanyajati | Q | Adima sevak sang |
283. | Vision | BA | MDI Gurugoan |
284. | Vision(Bhuvaneshwar) | Q | Jayaprakash Narayanan Institue |
285. | Water Policy | BM | Elsevier |
286. | Week | W | Malayalam |
287. | WHO Drug Information | Q | WHO |
288. | World Bank in India | M | World Bank |
289. | World Development | M | Elsevier |
290. | World Politics Quarterly | Q | John Hopkins Univ. |
291. | Yojana | M | Publication Division, Delhi |