Institute for Social and Economic Changes

Established in 1972 by Professor V K R V Rao, ISEC is an All-India Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Training in the Social Sciences

S Madheswaran – isec


S  Madheswaran

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Dr. S. Madheswaran is an acclaimed Development Economist and Econometrician of this country. At present he is a Professor Head Centre for Economic Studies and Policy, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore. He worked as a Director, Institute for Social and Economic change, Bangalore which is one of the premier institutes of Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR).

He was on deputation as an adviser (equivalent to Secretary Rank of the State) to the Planning, Programme Monitoring and Statistics Department, Government of Karnataka and also he is an instrumental to write an Evaluation and Monitoring Policy-2010 for the State of Karnataka which has laid foundation to set up Karnataka Evaluation Authority in Government of Karnataka. He was the first Chief Evaluation officer and one of the founding members of Karnataka Evaluation Authority which is an independent Evaluation office of the Government of Karnataka. He has also redesigned and coordinated Economic Survey of Government of Karnataka for 5 years (from 2010 to 2014), co-coordinated 12th five year plan approach paper and Human Development report and an advisor to Strengthening Statistical system of Government of Karnataka. He is also a Chairperson for the steering Committee to bring Youth Development Index and Youth Status Report, Ministry of Youth Affairs, Government of India during 2017. Recently he has been nominated as member to restructure and re-energizing the population research Centre by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI.

Prof.S. Madheswaran has given wide ranging opinion on various new policy, schemes and programme formulation, cabinet notes etc., of Government of Karnataka. He has participated on the matters related to the policies on strengthening the states statistical system and has done capacity building of all the departments on this subject under the KSSSP and the 13th finance commission grants. This is evident from the testimonial given from the government which is attached here.

Apart from these, He has served as a member of many important Government Committees both in Central and State Government. He has completed four projects for the chief Electoral office of Karnataka and helped in writing state action during assembly and lokshaba election. He has nominated as Member, State Planning and Policy Commission, Govt. of Karnataka, Advisory Committee Member-ICSSR,MHRD,GOI Southern Region, Executive Council Member-Karnataka, State Council for Science and Technology, Executive Council Member-Karnataka Vocational Training and Skill Development Corporation Ltd, GOK, Scientist Member-Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre, Technical Committee member and General Body Member- Karnataka Evaluation Authority, Government of Karnataka. Apart from the above, he has been nominated as a Member of the Academic Council of National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), New Delhi, January 2021 and Board Member of Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow and BOG Member of ISEC, Academic council Member- Karntaka State Rural Development and Panchayat Raj University. Honorable Governor of Maharashtra appointed him as a Member of Search Committee for Vice Chancellor, Gondwana University, Gadchiroli, Maharashtra, May 2020.

As a researcher, he has published almost 120 research papers in the well reputed International and National Journals on various issues relating to Economics of Education, Economics of Labour, Health Economics, Environmental Economics, Public Policy and Applied Econometrics. He has completed many projects for the government and the findings of his work have been used for mid-course policy corrections by the Government. He is also in review committee of various national and international journals. He was a chief Editor and Managing Editor of the Journal of Social and Economic Development, Springer. He is also an advisory committee member of Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Springer.

He is one of the popular teachers of the institute and has been engaged in teaching Applied Econometrics to the post graduate and Ph.D students for the past 25 years. He has been coordinating many training programmes on applied Econometrics for the probationary officers of Indian Economic Service officers (IES) and Indian Statistical Service officers (ISS) of Government of India sponsored by MOSPI, GOI. He also involved in strengthening the capacity building of researchers in south Asia through International training programme conducted by the ILO (International Labour Organistaion) and SANDEE (South Asia Network for the Development and Environmental Economics).

He has been invited by many research institutes and Universities both from India and abroad to deliver lectures on various themes. Apart from his presentation in various conferences/seminars, he served as a resource person, chairperson, and discussant for the quite number of seminars, workshops and conference. He has good organization skill which is evident that he has conducted many training programme, Seminars, conferences and workshops both national and international level. At present he has been elected as Vice President of Indian Econometric Society and Indian society of Labour Economics.

He was also a recipient of Kempe Gowda Award, Government of Karnataka for his Excellence in Policy making using Economics and statistics. He also Conferred as a FELLOW BY SANDEE (South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics) in April 2007. He is also conferred as fellow by IZA-International Labour Studies Institute, University of Bonn, Germany till March 2019.

He was a visiting scholar at Princeton University, USA. He is a visiting professor to International Research Institute of Sociology and Economics of Education (IREDU), University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France. He has visited almost 25 countries for the academic activities such as presenting papers, teaching, visiting professor, collaborative projects etc.

His mailing address and other details are as follows:

Dr. S. Madheswaran (Date of Birth 16/05/1963)
Professor and Head, Centre for Economic Studies and Policy
Institute for Social and Economic Change ( ICSSR sponsored Institute)
Nagarbhavi post, Bangalore 560 072.
Email ID :,

Tel: 9880060664

Member, State Planning
Commission, Government of Karnataka.
Former Director, Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC)

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