Institute for Social and Economic Changes

Established in 1972 by Professor V K R V Rao, ISEC is an All-India Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Training in the Social Sciences

Certificate Course in Methods and Applications in Social Science Research (CCMASSR) – isec

Certificate Course in Methods and Applications in Social Science Research (CCMASSR)

Research is an integral part of the growth and expansion of social sciences. Its importance is enhanced much more in the modern, globalized society where development has attained additional dimensions. Social Science Research faces the challenge to thoroughly equip itself to meet the ever growing needs of the society that is transforming at a rapid pace. Often, demarcations (into rural, urban etc) are blurred by the advancement in technology and changing socio-economic scenario. Societal problems are assuming wide-ranging complexities. Under these circumstances, it is necessary to approach research from a preliminary and systematic understanding of the methods in social science research. It is an essential part of social science research and over a period of time, the methods have expanded enormously in their scope and application.

The Course in Methods and Applications in Social Science Research offered at ISEC is outlined with an inter-disciplinary approach. It attempts to combine the on-going theoretical and conceptual debates and paradigms in various disciplines that contribute towards an understanding of issues relating to research methods in the context of development of the various methods adopted in social sciences. Over a period of time, the methods have also expanded enormously in their scope and application.
The present course attempts to combine the on-going theoretical and conceptual debates and paradigms in various disciplines that contribute towards an understanding of issues relating to research methods in the context of development.

Targeted Participants

This course is expected to be useful to researchers, trainers, administrators, policy makers and others affiliated with:

  •  Academic and higher educational institutions engaged in social science research
  • Ph.D. scholars in social sciences
  • Government and public administration
  • Civil society organisations
  • Corporate sector and consultancy firms
  • Banks and other financial institutions and
  • Other agencies undertaking research for policy formulation
Course Structure

The course is structured as a two-week residential program with classroom instruction, assignments, hands-on experiences and presentations at strategic intervals.

  • Nature of knowledge and theory: theoretical approaches to social science research;
  • The art of doing research: selection of a research problem: research design; formulating hypotheses and indicators; methods of sampling and inference;
  • Statistics and econometrics with hands-on experiences;
  • Qualitative and quantitative methods; Ethnographic studies; case study; New advances in methods of social science research;
  • Ethical and gender issues in social science research; Action Research;
  • Interpreting research;
  • Consolidation of research findings, research report and dissemination;
  • Exposure of statistical packages like SPSS, STATA etc;
  • Training on handling large scale data sets like NSSO Unit level data using SPSS and STATA

The course aims to empower the participants to better understanding of the broader processes of change within a research framework and to make an informed choice in conducting research by providing an orientation in multi-disciplinary approaches to understand and apply research methods. The objective of the course is to develop the capabilities of the participants in regard to theoretical and empirical aspects of Social Science Research. It aims to equip them with skills to pursue a topic of research of one’s choice by familiarizing themselves with the state-of-the-art methodologies against a multi-disciplinary perspective.

Resource Persons

The course will be taught by a team of competent resource persons drawn from both the institute and outside.

Course Fee

The Course fee includes lodging, boarding and course material – INR 18,000/- (eighteen thousand only) (with accommodation) and INR 12,000/- (twelve thousand only) (without accommodation), which should be sent along with the applications. Applicants may pay the fee either by Demand Draft or local cheque in favour of The Registrar, ISEC, Bengaluru, or through bank transfer and it should be sent by post along with the signed application form.

If the applicant is not selected for the course, then the course fee paid by the applicant shall be refunded.

No. of applicants/candidates to be selected : 30 (Thirty)

How to Apply

The application form may be downloaded from ISEC website and should be accompanied by a detailed CV of the candidate, a covering letter stating interest and reasons for joining the course and a demand draft/cheque/bank transfer receipt for the amount mentioned above.

Signed application form with relevant documents should be sent by post in an envelope with the superscription/subject as “Application for Certificate Course in Methods and Applications in Social Science Research”. Applications will go through a close scrutiny before selection. The decision of the selection committee will be final.

Mailing Address

Dr. Thomas Felix K
Assistant Professor, ADRTC
Institute for Social and Economic Change
Dr. VKRV Rao Road, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore 560072
Email:; Tel: 080-23215468 (Extn. 252)

Application form

Application form for  Certificate Course in  Methods and Applications in Social Science Research can be downloaded  from here APPLICATION FORM (.pdf) 

Tel: 91-80-23215468

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