Training & Placement

Training & Placement Cell acts as a crucial link between academic program of the students and their suitable employment. It also coordinates with the Central Placement Cell of the University of Delhi for the centralised placement of the students. Students who are interested in jobs immediately after their graduation are guided to apply for jobs to various industries via in-house placement or via Central Placement Cell, University of Delhi. The TPC invites various organizations and industries for campus placement of students. Time to time placement assistance is also provided to these students by organizing interaction with various organizations. TPC cell also organises pre-placement training/ workshops/seminars/talks to create awareness among students about their career prospects.

Some of activities of 2017-18 sessions are listed below

  • The Placement& Training cell andCareer Counselling Cell organized a lecture session on Entrepreneurship by Mr.Pawan Dixit, DirectorCroma Campus on Monday, October 24, 2016
  • TPC arranged summer internship few students in various organization such as Jubilant Organosys Ltd, MAHLE Fliter System and Premier Polyfilm Ltd.