Vision & Mission


“A commitment to mentor the students to achieve excellence through holistic education”.


The mission of the College is to create and sustain the conditions that enable students to experience an unparalleled educational journey that is intellectually, socially, and personally transformative. We aim to support and promote both the academic as well as personal development of the learners. The diverse profiles of the learners are valued and encouraged through various academic and co-curricular activities. The college firmly believes in the transformative power of education. We strive to educate the young citizens and create citizen-leaders for the society, who will also contribute to the nation building. The college prepares its students for not only successful careers but also a fulfilling life.


The main objective of the institution is to excel at imparting curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular education and training to its students. The goals of the ollege are as follows:

  • To provide holistic education and allow each student to realize his/her potential through academics and extra-curricular activities and thereby transforming them into thinkers and researchers.
  • To excel in imparting co-curricular and extra-curricular education and training to the students.
  • To motivate students to become value-oriented individuals and be sensitive to the needs of the society.


  • Academic excellence and integrity is strongly embedded in the curriculum and practice.
  • Outstanding teaching and service is the main motto of the college staff.
  • An effort is made to inculcate innovative research and professional leadership among the students.
  • Integration of teaching, research, and service is thoroughly practiced in the college.
  • Individual and collective excellence thrives in the college.
  • Diversity, equity and social justice are some of the values that the college strongly advocates and follows.
  • Life long learning is another objective of importance.