Discipline Guidelines

  • Students are responsible for their conduct within the college premises and are prohibited from doing anything, either inside or outside the College, which will amount to a breach of discipline or interference in the smooth functioning of the college. A student shall be liable to disciplinary action for any act of indiscipline. Disciplinary action may involve warning and/or suspension from classes, from the examinations, from the college library or even from the college. All the rules and norms as provided in Ordinance XV (B), XV (C) and XV (D) of the “Rules of
  • Discipline of the University of Delhi” would be strictly adhered to in case of any act of indiscipline.
  • Students shall conduct themselves in a civil and dignified manner, and desist from offensive behaviour towards any section of the college community. Uncivilized behaviour and/or language shall be sternly dealt with.
  • A student who faces any disciplinary action shall not be eligible for any special recognition from the college. This includes all kind of participation in intra-college and inter-college activities, scholarships, financial assistance provided to students and participation in the college festival „Srijan‟ and all other sports activities.
  • Students shall maintain silence and decorum in class rooms and desist from disorderly behaviour. They must not loiter in the corridors or in front of class rooms or office rooms and create noise. During their free periods, students are advised to work in the library or “reading room”, or spend time in the “common room”, without causing any disturbance whatsoever. Verbal abuses will also be considered as violation of the discipline.
  • Playing any sports in the college corridors is strictly not allowed. Students are advised to avoid playing cards in the college campus.
  • Smoking in the college premises is an offence and is strictly prohibited under the law.
  • Possession or the consumption of alcohol/ drug or any other addictive/illegal material is strictly prohibited in the college premises and will lead to termination from the college.
  • Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and is a punishable offense. Anyone involved in such cases will be dealt strictly with according to the rules of University of Delhi.
  • Students shall take proper care of the college furniture and fixtures. They must not cause any damage to the college property. It could attract disciplinary action against them.
  • Students are notified to not litter, lay or throw any kind of garbage in and around the campus.
  • A designated parking space is provided for all students to park their vehicles with the valid sticker issued to them for the same. No vehicle would be allowed to be parked in any other part of the college premises.
  • Students cannot form any society/club in the college without the prior permission of the Principal, nor shall any person can be invited to address a meeting in the college without the formal consent of the Principal.
  • Students suffering from any contagious or infectious disease are suggested to not attend college during the phase of illness.
  • Students who regularly are absent from the college for no valid reasons can be removed from the college rolls.
  • All notices/circulars issued time to time will be binding on all students without exception.
  • The college has a zero- tolerance to ragging and very strict anti-ragging policy. Kindly go through the document provided in the following link:


ORDINANCE XV-B: Maintenance of Discipline among Students of the University :

  • All powers relating to discipline and disciplinary action are vested in the Vice-Chancellor.
  • The Vice-Chancellor may delegate all or such powers as he/she deems proper to the Proctor and to such other persons as he/she may specify in this behalf.
  • Without prejudice to the generality of power to enforce discipline under the Ordinance, the following shall amount to acts of gross indiscipline:
    • Physical assault, or threat to use physical force, against any member of the teaching and non-teaching staff of any Institution/Department and against any student within the University of Delhi.
    • Carrying of, use of, or threat to use of any weapons;
    • Any violation of the provisions of the Civil Rights Protection Act, 1976;
    • Violation of the status, dignity and honour of students belonging to the scheduled castes and tribes;
    • Any practice-whether verbal or otherwise-derogatory of women;
    • Any attempt at bribing or corruption in any manner;
    • Wilful destruction of institutional property;
    • Creating ill-will or intolerance on religious or communal grounds;
    • Causing disruption in any manner of the academic functioning of the University system;
    • Ragging as per Ordinance XV-C.
  • Without prejudice to the generality of his/her powers relating to the maintenance of discipline and taking such action in the interest of maintaining discipline as may seem to him/her appropriate, the Vice-Chancellor, may in the exercise of his/her powers aforesaid order or direct that any student or students-
    • be expelled; or
    • be, for a stated period rusticated; or
    • be not for a stated period, admitted to a course or courses of study in a College,
    • Department or Institution of the University; or
    • be fined with a sum of rupees that may be specified; or
    • be debarred from taking a University or College or Departmental Examination or Examinations for one or more years; or
    • the result of the student or students concerned in the Examination or Examinations in which he/she or they have appeared be cancelled.
  • Institutions, Halls and teaching in the concerned Departments. They may exercise their authority through, or delegate authority to such of the teachers in their Colleges, Institutions or Departments as they may specify for these purposes.
  • Without prejudice to the powers of the Vice-Chancellor and the Proctor as aforesaid, detailed rules of discipline and proper conduct shall be framed. These rules may be supplemented, where necessary, by the Principals of Colleges, Heads of Halls, Deans of Faculties and Heads of Teaching Departments in this University. Each student shall be expected to provide himself / herself with a copy of these rules. At the time of admission, every student shall be required to sign a declaration that on admission he /she submits himself/herself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice-Chancellor and several authorities of the University who may be vested with the authority to exercise discipline under the Acts, the Statutes, the Ordinances and the rules that have been framed therein by the University.

ORDINANCE XV-C: Prohibition and Punishment for Ragging

  • Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited, within the premises of College/Department or Institution and any part of Delhi University system as well as on public transport.
  • Any individual or collective act or practice of ragging constitutes gross indiscipline and shall be dealt with under this Ordinance.
  • Ragging for the purposes of this Ordinance, ordinarily means any act, conduct or practice by which dominant power or status of senior students is brought to bear on students freshly enrolled or students who are in any way considered junior or inferior by other students and includes individual or collective acts or practices which-
    • involve physical assault or threat to use of physical force:
    • violate the status, dignity and honour of women students;
    • violate the status, dignity and honour of students belonging to the scheduled castes and tribes;
    • expose students to ridicule and contempt and affect their self-esteem;
    • entail verbal abuse and aggression, indecent gestures and obscene behaviour.
  • The Principal of a College, the Head of the Department or an Institution, the authorities of College, of University Hostel or Halls of Residence shall take immediate action on any information of the occurrence of ragging.
  • Notwithstanding anything in Clause (4) above, the Proctor may also suomoto enquire into any incident of ragging and make a report to the Vice-Chancellor of the identity of those who have engaged in ragging and the nature of the incident.
  • The Proctor may also submit an initial report establishing the identity of the perpetrators of ragging and the nature of the ragging incident.
  • If the Principal of a College or Head of the Department or Institution or the Proctor is satisfied that for some reason, to be recorded in writing, it is not reasonably practical to hold such an enquiry, he/she may so advise the Vice-Chancellor accordingly.
  • When the Vice-Chancellor is satisfied that it is not expedient to hold such an enquiry, his / her decision shall be final.
  • On the receipt of a report under Clause (5) or (6) or a determination by the relevant authority under Clause (7) disclosing the occurrence of ragging incidents described in Clause 3(a),(b) and (c) the Vice-Chancellor shall direct or order rustication of a student or students for a specific number of years.
  • The Vice-Chancellor may in other cases of ragging order or direct that any student or students be expelled or be not for a stated period, admitted to a course of study in a college, Departmental examination for one or more years or that the results of the student or students concerned in the examination or examinations in which they appeared be cancelled.
  • In case any students who have obtained degrees or diplomas of Delhi University are found guilty under this Ordinance appropriate action will be taken under Statute 15 for withdrawal of degrees or diploma conferred by the University.
  • For the purpose of this Ordinance, abetment to ragging whether by way of any act, practice or incitement of ragging will also amount to ragging.
  • All institutions within the Delhi University system shall be ob1igated to carry out instructions/directions issued under this Ordinance, and to give aid and assistance to the ViceChancellor to achieve the effective implementation of the Ordinance.

Note: Order of the Vice-Chancellor in pursuance of Ordinance XV-C:

Where incident(s) of ragging are reported to the Vice-Chancellor by any authority under this Ordinance, the students(s) involved in ragging, shall be expelled for a specified term, designated in the order. Non-students involved in reports of ragging will be proceeded with under the criminal law of India; they will also be rendered ineligible for a period of five years from seeking enrolment in any of the institutions of the University of Delhi.
Students against whom necessary action is taken under this note, will be given post decisional hearing, with strict adherence to the rules of natural justice.