
The College Library was set up in 1995 with the mission to cater to the information needs of the students and the faculty. The library functions as an information resource center for the college in achieving its aim.


The library is housed in a spacious and well-lit three storied building called the library block. Lower ground floor is being used mainly as stack room with a facility of reading space for 15-20 users. Upper ground floor is being used for circulation cum reference service, stack room, staff working area, entry-exit and some reading area for some 15-20 users. The top floor is mainly used as a reading room with a capacity of 120 users and a free air-conditioned Internet facility with 20 computers.


The Library has a staking length of 3396 ft. having a strong collection of nearly 26320 volumes of books including reference books, 336 bound volumes of journals. The student books ratio of the library is 1:22. Library also has 1238 CD-ROMs/ DVD-ROMs. The library has developed a computerized record of more then 11000 journals articles with bibliographic details. These are used by students for their projects. Apart from the in-house collection, the library has full access to the thousands of journals online which are being subscribed to by the Central Reference Library (University of Delhi). The Library is also subscribing to N-LIST (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure of Scholarly Contents) Programme – (a collection of E-Resources under UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium)


The college library is automated using an open source Library Management Software KOHA with web-OPAC facilities. The library uses RFID technology for many of its operations. The library block is under eight CCTV cameras surveillance with a recording facility but under maintenance.

Services and Facilities

  • Web- OPAC – Web based Online Public Access Catalogue
  • Air-Conditioned Internet Room freely available to the students and the faculty
  • Article Indexing Service – Bibliographical details of the journal articles are computerized and disseminated to the users on demand
  • Reprography in proximity with the Library
  • Open Access
  • Lending Service and Reference Service
  • Newspaper Clippings

The library organizes orientation programmes and information literacy programme for the students. The library also organizes, to cultivate reading habits amongst students, Book Exhibitions and Displays on a regular basis. Our library grows in size and services every year to accumulate the ever expending horizons of knowledge.


  • The Library is open to the college students and staff members only.
  • The librarian has the discretion to refuse admission to student(s).
  • Any issued book/s can be demanded back at any time.
  • Personal books, umbrella, stick, money-bag, Laptops, Mobile phones etc. are not allowed in the library. These personal belongings are to be left outside the library at their own risk.
  • Students must carry their Identity Card with them whenever they enter the library. They can be refused admission to the library if they fail to produce their identity card on demand.
  • Any misuse of the library facilities will considered as a serious breach of discipline and the Principal can take such action as is necessary.
  • The Principal may change any or all the library rules without any notice.
  • Students are expected to read notices issued by the Librarian from time to time. Ignorance will be no excuse.
  • Students on leave must arrange for the return of books in time.
  • Entire library block/ premises is a SILENCE ZONE.
  • Borrowers must ensure that book(s) which are not properly issued in their name are not to be taken out of the library in any circumstances.
  • Library membership is ‘not transferable’.
  • Book(s) once taken from the shelves should be left on the reading-table only.
  • Students are entitled to borrow four books (including Magazines). The books are issued for 15 days only.
  • The rate of overdue charges will be Rs. 5/- per day per volume. Fine will be deposited through Paytm only.
  • Students may borrow books against the membership ID issued to them. Loss of library documents should be immediately reported to the Librarian with the copy of an FIR lodged.
  • Borrowers must ensure that the books borrowed by them are not spoiled, dog-eared, marked or otherwise mutilated.
  • Books lost or damaged shall have to be replaced or its double price and cost of binding shall be charged from the borrower.
  • Reference books and Not-to-be-issued books will not be issued.
  • No book(s) shall be landed after the clearance certificate is issued.