DBT Star College

The Department of Biotechnology has launched Star College Scheme with an aim to strengthen life science and biotechnology education and training at undergraduate level. The purpose is to improve critical thinking and ‘hands on’ experimental work in the cutting edge-technologies needed for modern biological studies at undergraduate (college) level in life sciences and as a result of such experiences, more students will take up life science as a career.

DBT has identified colleges with ambition and potential for excellence and provide academic and physical infrastructure for achieving excellence in teaching and unique exposure of students to experimental science. The colleges that successfully implement the strategy will be considered as life science ‘Star Colleges’.

This scheme started in our college in December 2010. The Expert Committee of Department of Biotechnology has recommended for further continuation of Star College Grant support at the existing level under the “Strengthening Component of the Star College Scheme”. Four Departments of our college are being benefitted under this scheme.