Institute for Social and Economic Changes

Established in 1972 by Professor V K R V Rao, ISEC is an All-India Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Training in the Social Sciences

Events(PRC) – isec

Population Research Centre

PRC Events

Recently conducted workshops/Seminars

The Population Research Centre, ISEC in collaboration with IIASA, Austria and TIFAC, New Delhi conducted Training Workshop on “Demographic Computations: Multistate Population Projection” during November 9-13, 2010 at ISEC, Bangalore. The purpose of the training was to strengthen the basic analytic skills and help gain knowledge of multistate demography and Excel tools for demographic analysis. The five-day training included lectures, practical sessions and assignments.

20 candidates were selected for the training among the 50 applicants and 3 candidates from Bhutan were sponsored by UNFPA. The participants included Ph.D students and researchers below Associate Professor level from different parts of India. Dr K C Samir from World Population Program at IIASA, Dr Anne Goujon, also from World Population Program at IIASA and Dr K S James, ISEC were the resource persons for the workshop.

  • Workshop on `Methodologies for Small Area Estimation’ supported by UNFPA

A two-day Workshop on `Methodologies for Small Area Estimation’ was organized by Population Research Centre at ISEC, Bangalore, on April 24-25, 2009 supported by United Nations Fund for Population Analysis (UNFPA), New Delhi. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the available and appropriate methodologies for the estimation of different parameters at local level. In the decentralised form of governance and service delivery in India, there is a larger demand for estimates of different indicators at local level. This workshop was useful in developing a curriculum on small area estimation which can be taught in institutes and universities in India. The workshop brought together 15 experts who had contributed in this area. The organisers of the workshop were Professor K S James, Professor, PRC, ISEC and Professor K Srinivasan, Hon.Visiting Professor, ISEC

  • GOI-UN Joint Programme on Convergence – Orientation for Senior Level Officers on Use of Data for Planning and Monitoring of Development Programmes

In line with the annual AWP signed between ISEC and UNFPA, two rounds of Orientation Programmes for senior-level officers on use of data for Planning and Monitoring of development programmes , the first on September 10-11, 2009 and the second on September 24-25, 2009 were held at ISEC. The first programme on September 10th was inaugurated by Smt Sobha Nambisan, IAS, Principal Secretary, Planning Department, Government of Karnataka. It was then followed by general sessions on Need for Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation. It was followed by sectoral presentation of data availability and its limitations and indicators necessary for promotion and planning with duration of one and half hours for each session. The sessions in the first programme held during September 10-11, 2009 indicated the need for planning, monitoring and evaluation and sectoral sessions on demography, health, income and price, poverty, education, employment and gender. The second programme on September 24-25, 2009 also followed on nearly similar sessions with certain changes based on the comments received on the first programme.

  • Workshop on Sub-National Estimation of MDG Indicators: An Analysis of Two States with Differential Quality of Data

A workshop on Sub-National Estimation of MDG Indicators: An Analysis of Two States with Differential Quality of Data was held on September 12, 2009 between 9.30 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. This was a project initiation workshop to develop methods of arriving at reliable data sources at district or sub-district level based on a case study of 4 districts, two each in Karnataka and Rajasthan. There were 8 participants including experts on demography and statistics from different parts of India.

  • Workshop on “Sub-National Estimation of MDG Goals in India: An analysis of two States with Differential Quality of Data”

A half-day workshop on Use of Data for Local Area Planning under the project Sub-National Estimation of MDG Goals in India: An analysis of two States with Differential Quality of Data”, funded by UNFPA was held on November 2, 2009 from 9.00 a.m. onwards at ISEC, Bangalore.

  • Orientation for Senior Level Officers Use of Data For Planning and Monitoring of Development Programmes

In line with the annual AWP signed between ISEC and UNFPA, four rounds of orientation programmes for senior-level officers on use of data for planning and monitoring of development programmes, the first on September 10-11, 2009 and the second on September 24-25, 2009, the third and the fourth rounds on December 3-4 and December 10-11, 2009, were held at ISEC. The first programme on September 10 was inaugurated by Ms Sobha Nambisan, IAS, Principal Secretary, Planning Department, Government of Karnataka. It was then followed by general sessions on Need for Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation. This was followed by sectoral presentation of data availability and its limitations and indicators necessary for promotion and planning with duration of one and half hours for each session. The sessions in the first programme indicated the need for planning, monitoring and evaluation and sectoral sessions on demography, health, income and price, poverty, education, employment and gender. The second programme held on September 24-25, 2009, also had similar sessions with certain changes based on the comments received on the first programme.The sessions and other activities of the third and the fourth rounds were modified on the basis of the suggestions received from the earlier two rounds. During the third round held on December 3-4, 2009, the inaugural lecture on ‘Use of Data on Planning’ was delivered by Prof Ravi Kanbur of Cornell University, USA. The fourth round held on December 10-11, 2009, was inaugurated by Dr N C Saxena. Dr Nesim Tumkaya, UNFPA Country Director, delivered the Chairperson’s remarks. As in the case of the earlier two rounds, the subjects covered in the third and the fourth rounds included Demography and Health, Education, Gender Budgeting, Poverty, Income and Employment. There was also a panel discussion session on Monitoring of Programmes. Prof K S James coordinated the programme.

  • Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP) October 17-19, 2008

  • A two-day data-users workshop, facilitated by the International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), was conducted at ISEC to disseminate the third round of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 2005-2006 (January 3 and 4, 2008)

  • A workshop was conducted by PRC to discuss the implications of the National Family Health Survey – 3, Karnataka (NFHS 2005-06) survey findings for Karnataka. There were over a 100 participants including state and district level officials from the Health Department of the Government of Karnataka, special interest groups, academicians and researchers (24/2/07).

  • A seminar on ‘Lives at Risk – Vulnerable Daughters in a Modernizing Society’ was conducted in collaboration with Lund University, Sweden during 28-29 September, 2005.

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